
Learn how to install & setup rummy game application

Latest source code updated version on:        01 August 2022 


Purchased Package Files Included:


Install Steps.txt


Rummy game source code terms.pdf




Rummy Game Documentation Details:

Min Server Requirement (VPS or Dedicated server) Approx 2k CCU Players: 

Min 4 GB RAM, 2 vCores, 50 GB SSD storage, 1GBits/s Bandwidth speed, control panel, any OS, MySQL Database. monthly cost approx 2k to 4k per month.

Recommended Server Requirement (vps or dedicated) Approx 10k CCU Players:

32 GB Ram, 50 GB storage, 4+ cores cpu, linux server with centos 7, apache server, mysql database, cpanel/whm for file management(optional or other panel), bandwidth with 1 GBPS uplink speed.
For server providers vps servers or dedicated servers with high configuration and very low cost approx INR 4k to 5k   per month


This is an archive of every release we’ve done that we have a record of which are actively maintained.
Our on going development help to resolve any bugs and new additional features enhancement for newly purchased clients.
We focus on new features to develop everyday and we fix the bugs and issues in our rummy application.
Latest version is always best for use and purchase the latest version.

Latest release

3.1 V May 22, 2023

point and cash calculation bug fixed.
disconnected player status update modified.
hand cards real time records stored in database.
AI for gaming.
Some small bugs fixed.

3.0 V August 01, 2022

Wrong calculation fixed.
Extra game transaction entry fixed.
SSL certificate integrated in game engine.
Dashboard reporting updated.

2.9 V June 19, 2022

Game transaction entry details updated.
Payment transaction updated.
Commission server side updated.

2.8 V March 08, 2022

Deal Rummy: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Deal rummy option added.
2 Deck & 3 Deck game added.
8 player table added.
Few bugs fixed exceptions and some advance development done.

2.7   June 16, 2021

Automation in playing table and game will create automatic tables so now do not need to create tables from dashboard now.
While playing game there some bugs that we fixed.
There were some issues in tournaments that fixed.

2.6 March 11, 2021

When same player was playing on multiple tables then player was not able to and app closes, this fixed.
There was calculation issue that fixed.
Table design changed.

2.5 December 24, 2020

bug fixed and new logic added.

2.4 July 18, 2020

Multiple avatars and player profile pictures allowed to upload by players from android app.
Bug fixed in android app.

2.3 May 18, 2020

2.2 Feb 27, 2020

2.1 December 21, 2019

2.0 September 03, 2019

1.9 June 12, 2019

1.8 March 19, 2019

1.7 January 30, 2019

1.6 November 13, 2018

1.5 August 17, 2018

1.4 May 08, 2018

1.3 February 16, 2018

1.2 December 21, 2017

1.0 May 09, 2017



Please see install steps below for more details

Please check user guide file for admin panel setup.

Getting Started:
Configure commission, signup, bonus, referral bonus in dashboard then bonus entry menu.
In configuration menu – you can configure ip and port for android app, email smtp configuration for sending emails, sms api keys, payment gateway api keys.


Terms of source code:
please see rummy game source code pdf file and for more details visit

After setup game schedule a call for whole application training.
for any support for installation and running email us or call us 9975275992




Unzip the archive containing the Rummy application purchased.

In the resulted folder, you’ll find a folder named “web-app and android-app” and also sql file “rummy-database.sql” for database.
For web: Upload the contents of that web-app folder on your web hosting account, in the document root, that is, /home/username/public_html most likely.
Please note that if you already have another web app installed in your document root(i.e: wordpress), it is better to create a new folder inside the document root, say mailer ( /home/username/public_html/rummy/) and put the files there.

Setup Database: Create mysql database and user along with password to this database and grant full permissions to use to access database and import database file rummy-database.sql and execute.

Database Connection Setup: in the public folder edit database.php file and update database details for rummy application. For android app database connection setup in rummy_webservices folder and edit config.php file and update database details. and for rummy game engine database connection in public folder rummyserver.js near by line number 45 //database connection and update details. and in dashboard folder edit config file and update database details and also in pages folder then my pages folder and edit config file and update database details.
Database connection files:
dashboard/pages/my pages/config.php

Configure real time rummy game engine:

Open Specific Port eg. 3000 if you are using whm/cpanel
Opening a port in firewalld is fairly straightforward, in the below example we allow traffic in from any source IP address to TCP port 3000. First we modify the persistent configuration, then we reload firewall-cmd to load this change into the running configuration. you can set any port as your wish.
if you have installed whm/cpanel then just install csf on your centos 7 linux server, connect server via putty and run below commands one by one.
cd /usr/src
rm -fv csf.tgz
tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf

now login into whm and check sub menu in plugins main menu conigserver security and firewall and click on it. then on page check below firewall configuration tab and click
on it and click on TESTING = off and keep it off mode, then below RESTRICT_SYSLOG = 3 select 3 value from drop down. then below TCP_IN = text box is here and add your port number like 3000 or any another and same in TCP_OUT = 3000. now scroll down at bottom and click on “change” button then clcik again click on given response to restart csf.

OR you can open port manually
you can open putty app and login to your server from root user and run below command scripts.

[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=3000/tcp
[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd –reload

And if you have purchased tournaments package too then open another port also

[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd –permanent –add-port=3001/tcp
[root@server ~]# firewall-cmd –reload

Configure in rummy game engine and communication in real time.
go to folder public and edit rummygame.js file and at bottom replace and update port and domain name and save changes.

In this Line: server.listen(3000, ‘’,{

Then go to folder six-player-game and two-player-game and edit rummy-game.php file and update socket connection like at near by line 635 and 550 respectively, you can search and replace and port

And for tournaments too same things : go to tournament folder then public update same port domain and database details tournament.js file.
then in tournaments folder six-player-game folder and edit rummy-game.php file and update same for tournament port with domainname.

For android app real time communication setup.
visit and login with default user: admin and password: 123456 and go to left side menu bar and configuration expand and ip config then update domain and ip with port like this and http://123.456.78.90:3000
for tournament and http://123.456.78.90:3001

We use real time communication using nodejs and so we need installed nodejs.

Install Nodejs: you can open putty app and login to your server from root user and run below command scripts
curl -sL | sudo bash –
sudo yum install nodejs

#Print Node.js version:
node –version

# output like this

#Print npm version:
npm –version

# output like this

For forever running our node application use PM2 node Library and run below commands

#You may also need to install Development Tools for building Node software.
sudo dnf -y install -y gcc-c++ make
sudo npm i -g pm2
sudo pm2 startup

# for more details please visit
# for details about nodejs please check nodejs docs

# Install libraries in our game, run below commands one by one in below path in 2 folders.
Already below list of files are exist
from here ————————–
1) go to public folder cd /home/username/public_html/public/node_modules
2) for tournaments go to public folder cd /home/username/public_html/tournaments/public/node_modules

npm install –save
npm install express –save
npm install mysql –save
npm install node-datetime –save
npm install body-parser –save
npm install express-session –save
npm install express-device –save
npm install connect-flash –save
npm install consolidate –save
npm install cookie-parser –save
npm install gui –save
npm install gzip –save
npm install jade –save
npm install multer –save
npm install nw –save
npm install os –save
npm install swig –save
npm install upper-case –save
————–end here– just for your kind info above – already exist this above npm list


Start Rummy game server.
open putty and login server
go to directory folder where rummygame.js file exist
cd /home/username/public_html/public
pm2 start rummygame.js


For tournaments to start
go to directory folder where tournamentserver.js file exist
cd /home/username/public_html/tournaments/public
pm2 start tournamentserver.js
Note: Tournaments start at server time only so make sure that server has your local time zone.

#you can rename file and use renamed name to start here.

now your rummy game application and engine is started. login in rummy game application as player and join table to play rummy game.


Setup Android app:
android app developed using tool android studio and java programing language.

In android code app folder then src then main – java- com-rummy-mbhitech-rummysahara-Constants and open file and update domain links on page.
You can refactor package name and id and use your own branding.
in android code in the folder app-main – java- com-rummy-mbhitech-rummysahara and there are freegame and cashgame folder where free game table and cash game tables handled. you can change branding on this page like messages.
And tournaments tables are app-main – java- com-rummy-mbhitech-rummysahara here file and file, and you can change branding here like messages.
Another folders and pages are for whole android app and you can update change anything as per your requirement.

finally if you want to change directory names and files name then you can change it for your security purpose and give proper permissions. you can rename game engine files any name instead rummygame.js or rummyserver.js.


Database information:

Database: do not remove values from below tables administrator, cards, commission.

administrator: it is used for admin panel login details default.
cards: here all cards path stored 2 deck (106 cards) and their point values.
commission: here set commission for every winning cash game.
in tables accounts, users and user_kyc_details we insert player registration values and same for update.
in app_version table we keep android app vesion code and number to check if new android app version is available or not.
in bank_details table we insert player’s banks details to transfer their winning amount.
in banners table we use path if images in banners for referral program.
in base_url table we use domain name (directory path if application hosted in folder like url in whole application. and .htaccess is most important.
in bonus_entry table bonus value inserted like registration bonus, referral bonus like this.
in browse_history table are browsing history of player exist like player login in their account visit many pages that url stored.
in company_balance table we have records of all commission received from every cash game to company.
in converting_into table all bonus how to convert in real cash that values stored.
in coupons table coupon codes are inserted.
in coupon_used_by_player table if any player used coupon code for adding payment that record stored.
in email-template table stored templates for email to send again.
in email-to-players table all email sent to players stored.
in email_conf table here email smtp configuration record exist to send all promotional and transaction emails via smtp detail.
in firebase_config table google firebase api keys stored to send notifications in android app.
in fund_added_to_player table payment added to player account that records exist.
in game_details table here all game transactions of all players record exist.
in game_summary table not used yet.
in game_transactions table all game transaction in more details.
in ip_conf table here ip address and port used to connect android app to game server.
in ip_restriction table if you do not want to allow players from same location like using same wifi then keep no value else yes.
in join_tournaments table if we schedule tournaments and player join then their records comes here.
in login_history table all records of players when logged and logout their account history.
in mobileslider table for mobile slider iamge path uploaded from admin panel stored and fetch in android app.
in notification_details table we have records of all sent notifications for android app user.
in payment_gateway table here payment gateway api keys are.
in player_table table we have all table list created to play rummy games for players.
in price_distribution table we have record of tournament scheduled price distribution for players.
in price_distribution_del table if tournament deleted then their kept price values will moved here.
in promotion and promotions table values stored for promotion added on website for promotion menu.
in real_chips table not used
in referal_commission table you can set referral commission to all default commission and also set to particular player.
in referral_bonus table players referred commission records
in referral_send table player sent referral links to their email contacts
in reset_code table email verification reset code stored
in reward_point_set table here set reward point convert into real points value calculation
in reward_point_trans table player converted/recieved reward points into real points transactions
in reward_total_point table total reward points of players records
in sms-template table to send sms templates again and again can saved here.
in sms-to-players table all records of sent sms to players
in sms_conf table here sms api of key values
in sms_otp table to verify mobile number otp stored here
in social_login table api keys / app id values stored here for google and facebook login on website and android app.
in TABLE 28 table dummy table.
in themes table theme image path stored here while playing rummy game player can change theme.
in tournament table scheduled tournaments values here.
in tournament_del table deleted tournaments values.
in tournament_transaction table after finishing tournaments there all position wise records comes here.
in t_activation table account activation code stored and sent to newly registered player email.
in user_avatar table player can upload their own photos and their path stored here.
in user_firebase_reg_id table here all android app installed get unique firebase id to send notifications.
in user_help_support table player sent tickets/chats main messages here.
in user_help_reply table here support team and player chat history for main message.
in user_help_reply_document table for help chat attachment docs path.
in user_tabel_join table here if player join any table for play rummy game then their records comes here and when they leave table then records removes.
in user_table table dummy not used yet.
in user_theme table if player keep his playing theme while playing game that keeps here records for default.
in webslider table on front page of website to show slider images that uploaded image path stored here.
in web_contact_us table on website contact us page submitted records.
in withdraw_refcommission_request table if any player referred to another player and earned commission then gives withdrawal request and that records comes here.
in withdraw_request table if player win real cash and want to withdraw amount then submitted request comes here.