MBHiTech's Rummy Application uses a few external libraries for which we don't assume any credit, all credit/copyright belongs to their respective authors/owners. The libraries/frameworks list MBHiTech's Rummy Application use: Nodejs it is used to develop game engine backent to run real time communication. PHPMailer (since +) It is used to deliver the emails Please see https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer for more details (Source code not modified at all) jQuery The JS framework for the application Please see http://www.jquery.com for more details (Source code not modified at all) Datetime picker Used in customer area Please see https://github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker for more details (Source code not modified at all) Date picker Used in customer and frontend area Please see https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker for more details (Source code not modified at all) Socket.io it is used for real time communication, it connect ip to ip with port to play rummy in real time. please see https://socket.io for more details Expressjs it is used in backend for developing game logic. please see https://expressjs.com/ for more details Few additional dependencies: body-parser: 1.18.3 connect-flash: 0.1.1 consolidate: 0.14.5 cookie-parser: 1.4.3 express: 4.16.4 express-device: 0.4.2 express-session: 1.15.6 gui: 0.2.1 jade: 1.11.0 multer: 1.4.1 mysql: 2.16.0 node-datetime: 2.1.2 nw: 0.27.5 os: 0.1.1 socket.io: 2.1.1 swig: 1.4.2 upper-case: 1.1.3 msg91.com it is used for sending sms otp and messages to players via api. please see https://msg91.com for more details paytm.com it is uded to collect payment from players while additing in their account. please see https://paytm.com for more details cashfree.com it is uded to collect payment from players while additing in their account. please see https://cashfree.com for more details