How Does Digital Marketing Works

How Does Digital Marketing Works?

marketing is the process of communicating with audiences for informing them about different services and products that can be of good benefit for them. Promotion is the other term used for defining marketing. It incorporates the utilization of different types of strategies for increasing the knowledge of a consumer regarding a particular service or product. The main objective of marketing is presenting information regarding products to potential consumers in a way that the consumer is able to realize the requirement of the product in his or her life. This motivates the consumer to purchase the product or the service. Digital marketing is the procedure of using different digital strategies for communicating business precise information to consumers for eliciting good response.

What is Digital Marketing?

Marketing is defined as a process of communicating with an audience in order to inform them about various products or services which would be of benefit to them. Another term for marketing might be promotion. Marketing incorporates the use of a wide range of strategies to increase consumers’ knowledge of products or services. The goal of marketing is to present information about products to consumers in such a way that the consumer realizes it fills some need in their lives and they make a purchase. Digital marketing is simply using digital strategies to communicate business specific information to an audience in order to illicit a response.

How does digital marketing work?

Basically, link digital marketing works by using a number of different strategies. Each of these may serve a totally different purpose even though they have a common goal. The strategies work together in order to drive relevant traffic to a business (either online or off) and then convert a one time visitor into a returning, hospital loyal customer. Well structured campaigns may use any combination of a number of different strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Some would say that SEO is really the work horse behind digital marketing. It is an effective means to increase ROI by helping improve a site’s ranking in the SERPs so that traffic increases on the site. SEO specialists have to stay on top of the ever changing algorithms and updating done by the search engines in order to modify their campaigns to reap the greatest benefit. SEO best practices helps website’s rank organically in SERPs, drive relevant and valuable traffic to sites, encourages conversions and helps the website maintain its page rank.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is the comprehensive strategy to drive traffic to your business, primarily through paid efforts. Hence it is also called Paid Search Marketing.
The universe of SEM is diverse and complicated.Based on your business structure, you may choose PPC (pay-per-click) or CPC (cost-per-click) model, or CPM (cost-per-thousand impressions) model. There are different platforms for SEM. By far, Google AdWords (on Google Network) and Bing Ads (on Yahoo Bing Network) are the most popular. SEM also includes Display Advertising, Search Retargeting & Site Remarketing, Mobile Marketing and Paid Social Advertising.

Social Media Digital Marketing Strategies

Social media is not the “new kid on the block” anymore, but it is one of the newest Digital Marketing strategies. It is rapidly growing to be one of the most popular strategies since recent changes have made it possible to track ROI and engagement. There are literally thousands of social media platforms available and businesses can benefit from different types based on the nature of their business. The most popular or well known social sites include Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube. The way social media contributes to a digital marketing campaign is that it offers an open platform. This allows audiences to engage with the company or brand. Companies are able to monitor followers on a regular, even daily basis while also keeping them up on the latest news or releases in their business.

Content Creation

Research shows that content creation is a definitive method of marketing in 2014.All recent changes to Google’s algorithm – be it Panda, Penguin or Hummingbird – point to the fact that content is the most important metric while filtering search results. Content can be presented in different formats, including blogs, white papers, e-books, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, forums, news and updates, images, banners, infographics, podcasts, webinars, videos, or content for microblogging and social media sites.

Online Press Releases

Online press releases are very similar to the traditional ones, but the audience is much larger online. Press releases as well as industry related articles are online publications which are written and optimized and then distributed to various websites that are the best suited to the brand; or the sites that are the best match for the target audience. Just like a traditional press report, they are the work of a journalist or editor who writes the content to help a business gain exposure for their brand.

Retargeting and Remarketing

Essentially, Retargeting or Remarketing is a strategy to target customers who have already visited your website. It is based on cookie technology.
Retargeting has emerged as a preferred strategy as you target customers who have already shown interest in your business; and hence the conversion rate is high.
You may engage in Retargeting on your site, or on social network or on the mobile. Visualise your strategies based on the customers’ buying cycle.

Digital Advertising

It has literally never been easier to promote a product, service or brand online. There are lots of possibilities when it comes to incorporating digital advertising into the campaign. Google AdWords uses keyword research and data to create ads which can be textual, banners or image based. Advertising on Facebook can be so specific that certain age groups, genders and even those with special interests will see appropriate ads. This lets the business person reach the precise audience they are targeting.

Mobile Marketing

We strongly recommend you try out Mobile Marketing. Remember, the website, apps and content should be customized for mobile devices.
By 2016, mobile devices are expected to reach 2.6 billion units worldwide. So as more people use smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, the potential of mobile market continues to grow.

Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing is a strategy where a unique content spreads exponentially online, because the content is appreciated, shared and liked immensely.
This is a great way to brand and drive traffic to your website.The content can take any format; all you need is to be creative.

Email Marketing

When you send a commercial message through email to a list of potential customers, the strategy is called Email Marketing.
With an effective email marketing software, you can maintain email lists that are segregated based on several factors, including customers’ likes and dislikes, and spending habits. Remember to send personalized emails; this helps to develop trust.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a performance-based marketing program, where you pay publishers who bring you customers. The performance may be based on conversions – promotions, leads or simply sales.

Blog Posts

Top quality, optimised blog posts are a convenient way to drive valuable traffic to your site. And the more often you post, the more traffic you get. It’s worth noting that with blog posts, quality trumps quantity, so it’s better to post two fantastic articles a month (with good back links), rather than churning out posts every few days. Also, the better quality your content is, the more website visitors (and search engines) will associate it with valuable information.

Analytics data

All the different tools that are used to make a digital marketing campaign work are futile attempts if there is no way to track the efforts to find out what is and what is not working. There are presently several different analytics programs which can offer extensive details into how a website is performing. This lets webmasters, business personnel or SEO specialists focus on any of the metrics. This is an essential part of a digital marketing campaign and without it there really is no solid way of gauging the success of the campaign.